My Aunt Sandy and I after the pageant

and DebRA of America, as well as my directors and husband.
I have returned home from the International pageant in Chicago! What an amazing experience it was! I met so many fabulous women who had special stories to tell. I loved getting to know everyone and especially understanding why everyone was there............it was really moving to talk to people about their messages. There were cancer survivors, stroke survivors, those who knew others affected by heart disease, or suffered from heart disease themselves, volunteering for the United Way, the YWCA, foster/adoption awareness, CASA........all women were there for a purpose..........to share their life long journey of philanthropy with others. I grew as a person and as a wife and mother during my week. I learned that there are so many others making differences in their communities and beyond!
I cannot mention all women I met, but a few that I got to know during the week were; Deanna Linz, Mrs. Alabama-you are an inspiration to your son and family, as well as other mothers dealing with medical issues and their children. Mellissa Zwilling, Mrs. Southern States- Wow! You are poised and very well spoken......you have won the battle and are a mother to a beautiful little girl! My roommate, Mrs. Washington D.C. Diane Lebson........a girl could not ask for a better roommate than you. You were so gracious to me all week and I will be grateful to you forever! Last, but certainly not least..........Adrienne Waston Carver, Mrs. Maryland. I have found a friend in you.....one that will last a lifetime I am sure! We were brought together and shared so many stories throughout the week. You inspire me, your story moves me, and I am so happy for all of your accomplishments! I love you girl!
I would be lying if I said I wasn't emotional about not getting into the top ten, but it was not meant to be. I loved every second of my journey, and I know in my heart that my work is not done, and nor will it ever be. My son and other EB sufferers need me. My family and I will continue to spread awareness and raise research dollars! Thank you to my family, friends, DebRA of America, and Hollister for making this week special for me!
My beautiful sister gave me a special gift after the pageant on Saturday evening. It was a necklace with a single pearl, and the message it represents is this:
One in a Million
Embrace your individuality! You are the best "you" there is.
Let your necklace be a reminder to stay true to yourself.
You are one of a kind!
Brigette, I love you with all of my heart. You are an amazing sister and I thank God everyday for you! Thank you!
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